Dear Beautiful,

You were made for this. Your passions and dreams are attainable. The fire within in you needs to be seen in the world and needs to warm the world. You are so so so worth loving, no matter what mistakes or struggles or disappointments you have faced; you are not any less of a person and you still deserve that love.

Chase your dreams, live out your passions and light the world on fire!

Dig deep inside your soul and let your true self shine because the world needs to see it. You may feel unworthy or that you will be judged by showing your true colors. You may very possibly receive some unwanted looks, but that doesn't mean you can't be you. It does not matter what other people think- you are beautiful. Yes, little Miss You, YOU are beautiful. You have a fire in your soul that should not be contained, it needs to be lit up and let off like fireworks, not hidden in the depths of your being. Let you passions shine and your dreams become reality. You are a dream catcher, not merely a dream chaser. You were meant for this and your voice is meant to be heard.

Set aside your anxieties and fears; drink some tea, listen to light jazz, doodle in your notebook, write poems, talk with your best friend. Your fears don't rule you. You've accomplished so much in your lovely and wonderful life, so please don't feel like you are stuck at a stop light. You are on the high way, speeding past the trees and the cars around you, living out your dream and putting yourself out there.

Let your heart sing with joy, your smile be big, your eyes filled with joy and your feet always dancing. Keep on shining you beautiful little ray of sunshine because you bring life and beauty in this world. Never stop doing what you love and never, ever stop living out your passions and dreams.

Live in the beauty of the moment,



  1. This is amazing!! I'm sharing this on my blog tomorrow. Thank you so, so much

    1. Wow, you are very welcome!! I am so glad that you related to it & want to share it with more people!! Have a beautiful day

    2. This is so beautiful, Lo! I cannot tell you how much I love this. Every bit of this is beautiful and true. You are amazing, my dear. Never stop sharing this beauty with all of us, because we need it.

    3. Gaby!! Thank you so much!! Just sharing what's on my heart and hoping it relates to anyone who reads it.


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