Oh Come Let Us Adore
(Basilica of St. Josaphat, Milwaukee)
Christmas is almost here. Throughout this whole season of Advent, we have been preparing and waiting. Even in the songs we sing we express the joy we will receive when Christmas comes and Christ is born.
Christ is calling us closer to him because He wants to be united with us. Since the first week of Advent, He has been calling us to come closer. He doesn't want us staying at an inn down the road, He wants us up close, waiting with anticipation at the manger; He wants us to be in the middle of the celebration, always being present, letting the stench of the animals seep into our clothes. We are being called to COME to Him, adore Him in his swaddling clothes and present our self to Him.
That's what this whole season is about: waiting, preparing, and answering His call. Tomorrow is the eve of His birth, the last night of anticipation we have. Let us prepare our hearts to come to Him at His birth in the lowliness of the stable. Let us humble ourselves to be present with Him, for Him, and adore Him. The three wise men traveled far to see Christ and bring Him gifts. Let's bring Christ the gift of ourselves this Christmas, rather than being concerned about the gifts we will receive from others.
In the last hours before Christmas Day is here, prepare your heart as a gift for Christ. He wants all your struggles, pain, achievements, dreams, doubts, insecurities, fears, love, joy, and talents. Give it to Him this year, lay it at the foot of His manger. Hold the Christ Child in your arms and whisper to Him what you want to give Him this year. He wants to know more about you, let Him into your heart because you will not be disappointed.
I am nowhere near being perfect, I still have struggles and doubts. But this year, I have been preparing my heart as a gift for Christ. I want to bring it to Him at the manger, lay it down, hold Him, and tell Him all I want to give Him. I want to be able to say "yes" to Him this year as Mary said "yes" to carrying Him for 9 months in her womb. Mary had a complete and full yes to the Lord's call in her life, saying "may be it done unto me according to Your will" (Luke 1:38) Let's give Christ our self as a gift this year, let His will be done, and watch how much our lives will change.
{{ Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord }}
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