A Little Summer Reflection

After the most beautiful and amazing summer working on the Totus Tuus Team for Milwaukee archdiocese, I decided to take some time to step back and reflect. So much happened this summer that has blessed me in ways I would have never imagined. As I prepare for another transition to Franciscan University in (exactly) 16 days as a transfer student, I wanted to have a place to reflect on the summer, but at the same time have a place for sharing all the memories I will make at Steubenville this year.

So, reflections on the summer. Totus Tuus was a great way for me to grow in my faith, be in a community with other Catholic college students, and share my love for Jesus with young Catholics at 5 parishes throughout the archdiocese. Through teaching the ten commandments and the luminous mysteries, I learned more than I originally thought. I didn't realize how much the kids would teach me and show me the beauty in the simplicity of life. There were so many opportunities to grow, whether it was at a host dinner, during our team bonding during "mandatory fun time", being in front of the tabernacle for a few minutes before starting our day, or creating the craziest characters in Totus Tuus Theater. What I'm trying to say is that I came out a different person on this end of the summer. The grade schoolers were goofy and loud and wonderful; all the teenagers were energetic and intelligent and entertaining. By the end of each week, it was hard to leave. Each parish was unique and special in their own way; all of them had great kids who wanted to learn about their faith. I will never forget when a fourth grader named Brandon came up to me after our last day and said: "You wanna know why I loved Totus Tuus so much? Because it's like school, but it's tons of fun!" I think that this is a good summary of the summer for me because I was able to teach about the faith while making it fun and interactive for the kids.

There were so many wonderful memories with the kids from each parish that I won't ever forget, but there is one that was just too precious for me not to share. At our last parish, there was a side adoration chapel. The chapel was simple, yet beautiful. During one of our class periods during the week, we always have a tour of the church to explain the different parts of the church to the kids. So, at the last parish it was my responsibility to show and explain the side chapel to the kids. I would tell them that Jesus was truly present in the chapel and that the monstrance was His throne. Then I would tell them to silently thank Him for something that happened this week. As I was guiding one of my last groups of first and second graders out of the chapel, one of the little girls whispered loudly: "Where's the monster?" She had mistaken 'monstrance' for 'monster' and wanted to find it so badly; she had a desire to find Jesus and the monster. After I explained that it was a monstrance, not a monster, that Jesus was inside of, she was in such a state of awe that it was inspiring. It was moments like this that reminded me to have faith like a child.

Throughout the summer, there where lots of memories and moments like this for me. I grew so much this summer due to the kids and teens in the program, but also because of my team. They inspired me to go deeper and get out of the boat into the unknown waters. I really stepped out of my comfort zone this summer and without having such a supportive team, I don't know what I would have done. All three of them are strong individuals who brought excellent qualities to the team dynamic. Through their leadership, prayer life, humor and passion for the faith, they've helped me to become more Totus Tuus. (And if you can't tell already, I loved my team and they are all the best people ever.)

It's always nice to step back and reflect on big events that have formed me into a better person. I am excited to see where this next stage in my life will take me and how different I will be on the other side of this school year.

Totus Tuus Maria!


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