This Is Home

{{ go and spread joy; be contagious }}

As soon as I set foot on campus 4 days ago, I felt as though I was home. This whole transitioning process has been stressful, but now that I am actually here, it is more rewarding than I would have ever imagined. From walking around campus for an hour when I first arrived with my mom, to going to mass this morning with my new friends in my dorm- this is home. 

Day One and Two: Traveling Across 5 States

Wednesday night, I said goodbye to the city that stole my heart-Milwaukee. I hug out at my favorite coffee shop while reading about the Gospels. As I said in my last post, I was able to spend time at my two favorite places in Milwaukee: Stone Creek Coffee with Radio Milwaukee and Cor Jesu. After talking to some of my closet friends at Cor Jesu, I was off with my mom for a 9 hour and 37 minute drive. We drove for about 6 of the 9 hours before taking a break at about 2 in the morning. It was at this point that I realized how thankful I was for my own personal (and comfortable) bed and that I didn't have to sleep in a car, or on the street. 

After a two hour nap, we woke up to this view in an Ohio rest stop:

The beauty of a sunrise never ceases to amaze me; it is beyond beautiful and the perfect way to explain transitions. You may not see the beauty in it right away, but after a short time, the beauty is displayed for the whole world to see, filled with gorgeous colors and creating many smiles and memories.

As we began to drive towards the university, I began to get more anxious and excited for the new chapter I was about to write. So I did the one thing I knew that would help me the most: I prayed. I asked God to help me and for the Spirit to be with me in the transition. Traveling to a school that had a great emphasis on prayer excited me because I knew that after spending a semester here my life would be greatly changed.

After three long hours of driving, we finally had arrived to the city of Steubenville. I was shaking from excitement and nerves, but I couldn't stop smiling. We drove past this sign and my new reality began to sink in- I was going to the school of my dreams to major in a subject that I had passionately devoted my summer to and I would be almost 10 hours away from home through it all. And that didn't change my smiling one bit.

My mom and I had arrived about 3 hours early, so we walked around campus for a while. The beauty in the simplicity of the campus made me fall in love with it even more. As we were walking towards Christ the King chapel, we found that there was a noon mass we could go to. We arrived just in time to experience one of the most prayerful masses I have ever taken part in. The priest was energetic and relateable and all the students were friendly and welcoming. Yet again, I fell in love with the campus even more.

After mass was over, we traveled over to the JC Williams center to grab some coffee and a small snack before heading over to the Potiuncula chapel (which is a replica of the original one in Assisi) to pray before I met my roomates. I had been dreaming about this whole experience for the past couple months and it was actually beginning. Part of me still couldnt believe it was actually happening. There were so many emotions I was feeling and so many thoughts going through my mind. Truthfully, I still couldn't believe that I was actually going to be a student at Franciscan instead of Marquette. Once I was finally on campus, it began to become real life and once again I prayed. I placed my trust in Him, that everything would work out for the best. And before I knew it I was moving in and meeting my roommates. (Actually I didn't move in any of my things, there were orientation staff members that actually carried in all my belongings!) Once all three of us were in the room, we began to organize our things, deciding who got what bed/dresser/closet/desk. In total, there were probably 7 people in our room along with all our boxes and belongings (and we still had enough room for everyone). After everything was moved in, my other roommates, Hannah and Erin, went off with their families for dinner. My mom and I ventured to the cafeteria for our dinner, and then headed to the fieldhouse for some opening talks. We met the orientation staff, the friars on campus and the admission/academic advisors. After the talks concluded, we split off into our orientation groups. I met some pretty awesome transfers and was blessed with a really sweet leader as well. When the orientation groups concluded, we headed back to our dorms for our first night on campus. There were many things to reflect on and many new memories made. Overall, the first day was a success.

Day Two: Full Day of Laughter

My mom and I decided to wake up early (7:30) to say morning prayer and get breakfast before the rush. It was so great to walk around campus in the peaceful hours of the morning thanking God for all the beauty on campus.

After our prayer time and relaxation, a full day of talks ensued. We learned about resident life and households on campus (which are communites of sisters or brothers in the faith with particular devotions and service they participate in), campus ministry and evangelization (which also included a personal testimony about the beauty of adoration) and finally about the Austria study abroad program (which is basically so awesome). After all these talks, I went to lunch with my roommates, learning we all love hiking/the outdoors and have very simular tastes in music. It was only the second day I was with them, but I was learning a lot about their personal interests and their families. I will say it once again, but Franciscan was beginning to feel more and more like home than any other campus I had visited.

Later in the afternoon, there was mass with the Bishop which I went to with Hannah. That was also a beautiful mass that all the friars and professors were present at. The homily was powerful and reflective-we need to be contagious with our joy for the gospel. It was wonderful to be able to praise God with my roommate during mass, it has helped to bring all of us closer to eachother on a deeper level. After mass, we were able to meet the bishop and take a picture with me. When I asked if we could have a picture with him, he joked that I could but there was a $50 cost. Then right before my mom took the picture, he gave Hannah and I bunny ears. Needless to say, I think he is one of the coolest bishops I have encountered, as well as one of the happiest.

We then met up with Erin for dinner and a hilarious orientation skit. The night ended again with orientation small group, where it proceeded rain. I'm not talking nice and peaceful rain, I mean downpour. But we were lucky enough to recieve a ride from another girl in our dorm. During the small group, we spent most of the time with Jesus in the chapel, which was an excellent way to end our second day on campus.

Day Three: Dancing the Night Away

Again my mom and I had breakfast together, but we met two other students; Rachel was a HCC major (Humanities and Catholic Culture) and Hannah was a nursing student. Both of them added to the friendliness and welcoming atmosphere I was experiencing on campus. All the people I have met were beyond helpful and friendly and happy; all the priests were joyful and all the students were energetic. 

Later that day, my roommates and I went to dinner again at the cafeteria and then headed over to the fieldhouse for the dance that evening. Before the dance, though, we stood in line to meet the president, who wanted to meet all the new students. As we were standing in line, my mom decided to head back to the lovely city of Brookfield. When we were saying goodbye, she emphasized that I had new sisters and brothers here and that I was in safe hands. It was bittersweet.

The dance that night was crazy, awesome and great. We danced to 80s, 90s and current songs. It was fun to be able to dance with my roomies and hallmates and get crazy. I can't even describe the experience, but I loved it! I honestly feel that I was able to meet many more new people, as well as cultivate the friendships I already made. Day three was a late night, but a fun one!

Day Four: First Day Alone

Today (Sunday) was my first day without my mom, but it was still just as great as the past three. Hannah and I joined the girls across the hall to Mass at 10:30 (we even caught a ride up the hill!) Mass was beautiful; everyone was praiseing God without hesitation. At the final procession, at least 20 or 30 people in my line of vision had their hands raised, praising. It was one of the most beautiful sights I have seen since being on campus.

After mass, our group headed over to the cafe for brunch where I met even more people and learned more about the girls I had already met. It was great to sit down for an hour and learn about the other girls in my dorm and start to build friendships. We headed back down the hill laughing, smiling and making memories. When we got back to the dorm, Hannah, Erin and I worked on our computers for a while before heading to the store to pick up some groceries, which was a great bonding experience.

Since then, Hannah and I have hung out at the dorm reading and getting stuff ready for classes. Overall, I am loving the life here. All the people I have met are wonderful and the whole atmosphere is so welcoming and prayerful. I gotta say that I love it here!! 

I know I am not the best writer by any means, but it is fun to be able to reflect on all the new experiences I have had in the past four days, big and small. For example, yesterday my mom and I walked across a bridge to West Virginia. I am terrified of heights and not every fond of bridges over water, but I made it over. Yes I was scared walking across, but the conversation with my mom helped, as well as seeing all around me distracted me from my fear. Afterwards, my mom rewarded me with wanted to go to a coffee shop. So after we walked back into Ohio, the GPS actually had us drive to West Virginia for a coffee shop (that we couldn't find)

What can I say, I am having a great time! I can't wait to start classes and see how the school year goes. God is so good and is working so many wonders and blessings in my life!

Here are some picture high lights from the week:

(On the ride over, we stopped for coffee after our 'nap'. My mom tried to take a picture of me smiling with my coffee because I always have coffee in my hand. Her aim was a little off and she chopped out my head, so this caption resulted)

(One of the staff members is from the Upper Pennisula and a Packer fan. So I now know I have atleast one person to watch the games with!)

(This is the view while we were driving to West Virginia for coffee)

(Honestly the most delicious smoothie I have ever had in my life- it tastes just like you are eating a peach. An even bigger perk is that the little coffee shop is on campus AND right next door to me)

Sorry for the super long post, but I am so overly excited to be on campus!!

Totus Tuus Maria!!


  1. Hi Lauren!! New follower here... I just found you through insta & was excited to find another catholic blogger!! Prayers for you as you continue to transition to college life! God Bless!

    1. Thanks Mariah!! Its so wonderful to find another Catholic blogger as well!! God bless & I'll keep you in my prayers!

  2. What a great adventure! Great to find another Catholic blogger from the Milwaukee area!

    Thanks for writing and keep the posts coming!


    1. Thanks Josh! It's been a wonderful experience so far and I'm glad that you've enjoyed reading it! ((Milwaukkee represent!!))
      God bless and I'll be praying for you!


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